Intersecting Volumes

The purpose of this assignment was to intersect the volumes formed in the model. Of course, it was important to show this in our model by using design operations. This time our operations were obvious: scale, rotation and add. Thanks to some of the operations given to us, we created our first model either as a surface model or as a line model. Firstly, I created intersecting volumes with the surface model. I chose to use elements that are large in size because I didn’t want to worry about scaling up these elements, and I wanted to see the volumes formed with the big elements more easily and intersect other volumes easily. In addition, they wanted to create a second model with the diagram of the model we first worked on. The first model was the model of the surface, this time would work with the line model; The first model was the model of the line, but this time it would work with the surface model. This time, the second model could explain how the operations shown in the diagram of the previous model came together.





Orthographic Projection by AutoCAD

In this assignment, we wanted to draw our previous orthographic drawing in the same way with the help of AutoCAD. In this way, we wanted to increase our ability to use AutoCAD.


The reason why this assignment was easier than the other was that the reference lines did not shift in any way, and the measurements matched the 3 views.


What they really wanted from this assignment was the fact that our photoshop skills were increased so we could see how photography and writing were positioned in a poster. For this reason, the ARCH 101 was designed to create a poster with a shortly (at least 150 words) knowledge about the building we were working with, in harmony with each other (surface, volume or mass) abstract model of this building. While I was doing the poster, I made reference to some elements and painting, but I couldn’t manage to align the painted area with the writing I wrote but I still think I did a good job despite my first attempt.


arch111_photoshop_bensuacarakcay kopya

Pre-Jury! (being a little early)

As you understand from the title, we became the pre-jury, and we were at an early stage. In this jury, we have reshaped the abstract models we originally created with the addition to design operations. We have used at least 3 design operations in each model and we have shown our diagrams how we model with the operations we use.



The only thing missing in our diagrams was how these operations came together with the elements.