Step-by-step the theme of “Open”

We had the right to use only two elements (surface or line) on the mass but now, we would use 3 elements in this assignment, and we would do the opposite on what we combined with the elements and relationships we used in the previous assignment (orthogonal or non-orthogonal). For example, you will create an orthogonal relationship in this model if you have used a non-orthogonal relationship in the previous model.

What I want to do here is also to create a non-orthogonal relationship with the lines, to strengthen my existing orthogonal relationships and to better seeing and better define the intersecting volumes in my model. As you can see, each line is placed according to a rule and a reference, helping to identify and view the volume where it is placed. (The only difference is the theme in assignment 9.2.)

Intersecting Volumes by a theme of “Open”

I worked on the “open” theme. First, I tried to figure out what this theme makes me think, and I decided that my model should “open” operations and relationships, opening the entire model. And I applied a certain rule when placing the surface elements in my model. I applied stretch and rotation operations in the mass part of my model, and in the surface part, I applied intersection and rotation operations. While applying these operations, I also used the scale operation to reduce the relationships between my elements. In this way, the distance between our elements will be increased and the relations between them will be reduced and we will be able to saw the intersecting volumes more easily.


Step-by-step the theme of “Closed”

In the previous assignment, we had the right to use only two elements (surface or line) on the mass but now, we would use 3 elements in this assignment, and we would do the opposite on what we combined with the elements and relationships we used in the previous assignment (orthogonal or non-orthogonal). For example, you will create an orthogonal relationship in this model if you have used a non-orthogonal relationship in the previous model.

What I want to do here is also to create a non-orthogonal relationship with the lines, to strengthen my existing orthogonal relationships and to better seeing and better define the intersecting volumes in my model. As you can see, each line is placed according to a rule and a reference, helping to identify and view the volume where it is placed.


Intersecting Volumes by a theme of “Closed”

In the first step, they wanted us to produce a mass-line or mass-surface model in order to design a series of intersecting volumes. We will focus on one theme.

The theme of my group was “open and closed”. When I was making my model, I worked on the “closed” theme. First, I tried to figure out what this theme makes me think, and I decided that my model should “closed” operations and relationships merged, closing the entire model. And I applied a certain rule when placing the surface elements in my model. I applied subtraction and rotation operations in the mass part of my model, and in the surface part, I applied scale, stretch, rotation and adding operations.






In this assignment, they wanted, we discovered a folding operation with the help of a 17.5 x 200 cm paper. The important point was that we implemented this operation with the help of a rule, and the model must be stable, because the paper was a 2-dimensional material and very thin, so there was no stability. Our aim here was to create intersecting volumes with the help of a folding operation.


Intersecting Volumes by merging Mass and Surface

This assignment is the some of the given operations of the intersecting volumes with the mass and surface or line. The operations we will use are scale/stretch, subtraction, add and rotation. What I wanted to do on this assignment was to show the relationship between mass and surface with the volume formed. In my mass model, I applied the addition and subtraction operations, and in the surface model, I applied scale, stretch and rotate operation and especially when I created the surface model, I applied these procedures according to a rule.

In my surface model, the main element was a square element of 8 cm. I used this square element by changing the scale in another part of the mass model. In order to make variations of the volume formed by mass and surface modeling, I placed the elements on my mass model by applying scale and stretch operation.



At the same time, I wanted to indicate the operations in the model, I did with the help of the photoshop for people to be understood more easily.