Cut-A-log Time!

In short, the purpose of preparing this catalog was to show how much we can improve ourselves. During this process, we choose of free the projects including our catalog, and I prepared and put in a diagram the operations I implemented in the projects from the middle of the period to the end of the period. When I look at my catalog, I see that I have developed myself during this time, and I hope you agree with me. 🙂


individual cut-a-log(last1)

Final-ly Jury!

Yeah, the last jury in the term… We were ready to present the proposals that we have created as a result of long labor. If you ask me, It was a difficult but beautiful process. 🙂

We have developed our own proposal since the middle of the period and we have been very criticized in this process.  I had an idea of ​​my second strategy in my project (if you don’t remember my old strategy, I suggest you review my previous articles). My idea was to create a loop and break the loop. Obviously, I thought I was taking a big risk when applying this idea because I had never tried anything like this before. I’ve adapted this idea to the theme of open and closed which are I worked.

Firstly, I would get more open areas when creating the loop. When I created the loop, I used my elements in a simpler way, for example, I applied fewer operations to my elements, I positioned my elements in 2 directions, and I obtained more open volumes.

img_1198 img_1212.jpg


In addition, some of the operations I have implemented in this open-themed model are shown below:



Axonometric drawing in the open-themed model:



Orthographic drawing in the open-themed model:



On the other hand, I tried to use the elements in my model in different directions to break the loop. However, I have increased the number of operations I have applied to my elements. My goal was to create more closed volumes by breaking the loop in this way.

close 1
close 3

Some of the operations I have implemented in this close-themed model are shown below:



Orthographic drawing in the close-themed model:

orto close .jpg


And finally, I want to share my proposals diagrams to show the variation between them: