Roman Empire was the “head of the world” as they say, within the timeline that they lived. Roman generals settled prevailed lands, utilizing structural ventures the force of control of the domain. The borrowed a few figures from the Hellenistic cities additionally they made grand colonnade enclosures and including them their building collection. All through the realm, the Roman architects designed a unique city sort, in which open space and open architecture gave a formal envelope for day by day existence. The Roman Empire was developing fast, owing to that, they have to be the lookout of the prevailed people. They created some kind of things that never utilized some time recently to illuminate the issues of those numerous prevailed individuals. Those developments are exceptionally effective and clear. They built productive markets, public baths, and theaters as reassurance for the loss of nearby autonomy. They moreover utilized unused concrete development innovation such as arches and vaults.

The most recognizable elements of the Ancient Roman architecture is ‘arches and gates’ I think. The reason for that, the Romans used arches in most of the constructions. They produce walls that created with arches, they even create some temples just for gates.




The small city of Pompeiiwhich Rome acquired as a colony in 80 BC, contains the best-preserved examples of Roman Architecture. The city of Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption, this eruption killed all the people but it helped the preservation of the structure. The city of Pompeii blended Oscan, Etruscan, Greek and Roman ideas. It includes orthogonal blocks from the Greeks and Romans. In the city of Pompeii, there were orthogonal streets that allow people order, on the other hand, Temple of Jupiter in the rebuilt forum, the basilica, markets, and the Eumachia’s building located on a corner  of the city, the other parts of the whole city is covered by orthogonal streets which are a shelter for people.


Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii

The Romans were taken after the other civilizations in their need to build tombs, streetstemplesreligious buildings, etc. but they moreover make a few common monuments such as theaters and public baths. These monuments bring both socializing and hygieneNot at all like the Greeks, they found their theaters on the slopes, Romans built freestanding theaters with utilizing curves and concrete wallsDistinctive from Greek theater since, in Greek design, theaters were semi-circular but old Rome theater was not semi-circular, we called roman theaters ‘amphitheater’. The contrast between theater and amphitheater is that the amphitheater is circular. As everyone knows, Colosseum is one of the finest examples of the amphitheater. Those amphitheaters were built for not as it were kings but to the citizens to engage them.




Modern Architecture & Ancient Rome Architecture

In architecture, a vault is a self-supporting arched form, usually of stone or brick, serving to cover a space with a ceiling or roof. The simplest kind of vault is the barrel vault (also called tunnel vault), which is generally semicircular in shape. The flexibility in barrel construction is the main advantage of this vaulted ceiling, over other types of decorative ceilings. It gives the room extra height, for you can easily frame it beneath existing joints and trusses, and it can easily pop up into the garret.


Vault House|Johnston Marklee

Vault House in Southern California, instead of focusing its focus on the landscape, a series of translucent interiors placed in the main volume, capturing natural light from various angles, offers numerous curved views from inside the house. The assembly of stacked and unidirectional vaulted rooms in a simple plane volume and parallel orientation of the rooms serve as a filter extending from the east side to the west side of the region where it is located.


Ancient Greek Architecture & Modern Architecture

Ancient Greek Theater

In ancient Greece, the effort to create an intellectual society was always at the forefront. In connection with this, the Greek civilization looked at the theater activities from a different angle. Although the standard structures of the theaters are closed nowadays, the ancient Greek architecture established the theater concept in a completely open space. In theaters built-in panoramic order, concerts were organized in addition to theater performances.

2599The Greek theater was a large, open-air structure used for dramatic performance. Theaters often took advantage of hillsides and naturally sloping terrain and, in general, utilized the panoramic landscape as the backdrop to the stage itself. The Greek theater is composed of the seating area (theatron), a circular space for the chorus to perform (orchestra), and the stage (skene). Tiered seats in the theatre provided space for spectators. Two side aisles (parados) provided access to the orchestra. The Greek theater inspired the Roman version of the theater directly, although the Romans introduced some modifications to the concept of theater architecture. In many cases, the Romans converted pre-existing Greek theaters to conform to their own architectural ideals, as is evident in the Theater of Dionysos on the slopes of the Athenian Acropolis. Since theatrical performances were often linked to sacred festivals, it is not uncommon to find theaters associated directly with sanctuaries.



Mt. Angel Abbey Library | Alvar Aalto

The architecture of Abbey’s Library reflects and shapes its spirit and purpose. The building was completed in 1970 and has 4 floors including three floors and a mezzanine. The entire library, except the lower floor, stands in natural light. Thanks to the curved walls of the structure, the natural light entering the building have the chance to spread all over the building. We can see that the architecture of Alvar Aalto’s ancient Greek theater brings the historical feature to modern history. The stance of the library building that is designed, the appearance and functionality of the interior, which resembles the Greek theater in terms of lighting and positioning, the relationship of the building with the environment, is accepted as one of the traces of the ancient Greek theater in modern architecture.





Ancient Greek architecture is a case of classicism. It means there were many columns and pediments. In those a long timewhereas the other societies created by one means or another similar styleAncient Greek civilization has a variety of societies and they create more unique compositions.

Egypt, Assyria, Akkad and so on. Reminding other civilizations, there were temples for gods and kings who were not allowed to enter civilians in temples and sanctuaries. Instead of graves and palaces, the Greeks designed open public buildings with many columns for citizen meetings.

Another Greek term is agora. Agora literally ‘gathering’ In other cultures, there was some space in front of temples and palaces, but the Greek agora was invalid as a meeting point in the middle of the city.

The Greek Theater consists of four parts which are parodos, theathron, orchestra, and scene. The play was not on the skene they were playing their games on the orchestra and they use the skene as a background. As you can see orchestra was a circular area, the reason for this is that its shape allows people to see the game from everywhere.



The Greek temples had three sorts of columns: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. These were the premise of a language of architecture based on equation-based extents. The territory and western colonies preferred the Doric arrange. It’s yell columns carrying straightforward adjusted capitals. The temple of Artemis at Ephesus was the case of the Ionic order. The columns set the ordinary extent of an Ionic column as one module to nine. Moreovera few figures and themes were carved on the lower part of the column. The Corinthian arrange showed up interior the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae.



The field we worked for this year was on the Sincan-Kayaş railway line. First, we experienced the whole Sincan-Kayaş line. During this time, we made a division of labor between my friends in the group. Two people from the left and right corners of the train, we experienced the change of land along the line while our other friend, she examined how human density changes during these times at every station. After experiencing the whole line, we went down to our own station and started to work. The station we were given was Ankara Garı Station. The benefit of this stop was that we could easily see the level differences on the terrain when we cross-section because our stop was located between both the new and the old railway station, and the rest areas had buildings and roads. In this way, we created a cross-section in which the level difference can be easily noticed.

Some photos from Ankara Garı Station :

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Ankara Garı Station’s (19 minutes and 20 seconds after the Kayaş Station) cross-section:


At the end of the assignment, they asked us to tell us what we had experienced during the train journey. There was no limit to this way of expression. That’s why I made a photo collage about how the slope of the terrain near the train line changed during my train journey. My focus in this collage was that the slope of the land near the train line decreased from the start station (Kayaş) to the last station (Sincan) as time went on. And we could experience our own station along the length of just walking.


WORLD ARCHITECTURE | Biblical Jerusalem

Although the historical perceptionsarchitectural parts based on interpretations of literary and creative documents, and the interest of legends. Urban artifacts were destroyed since of destruction, wear, common calamities. Their memories vanished. The imperative culture such as Phoenicians uncovered that kind of destroyed and they _103878126_6eb47c91-bca4-425f-a351-b4c35c252e12may not speak to their culture. Not as it were Phoenicians but moreover Tire, Sidon and Byblos which have a harbor of East Mediterranea don’t have any verification to appear their history. There was a city which indeed in spite of the fact that it destroyed, it who played an important part due to one thought: Jerusalem. Jerusalem encompasses an extraordinary part in world history since it related to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Each religion relates conviction with a few occasions.

For Jews who have adjusted to semi-nomadic life, the creation of a temple another to the illustrious palace reflected those far fetched behaviors for revenge. The Jews accumulated for ceremonies at outdoor sites such as the Minoans and Hittites. Crucial inconsistency is that to grant building substance to the unimportant nature of religious confidence. Jerusalem was influenced by this circumstance by God. David arranged a steady custom center for the unused state in the north of his city. To encourage strengthen his specialist, David set the Ark of the Covenant in a changeless asylum to halt crossing from tribe to tribe. David’s child Solomon accomplished that the mission to build the temple in 961 BCE and that’s why in spite of the fact that it was appropriately known as the “First Temple”, regularly called by the deluding and to some degree impious title of ” Solomon’s Temple.”

It included a complex palace where is on the slant beneath the temple mount. Jerusalem got a religious-political center with hypostyle hallsprivate courts and a collection of mistresses. In Mount Moriah were known as a location of Abraham’s endeavored to give up of his child Isaac, sanctuary begun to rose. The walls of its storerooms made a rectangular zone, or temenos by covering the First Temple like Mesopotamian and Egyptian temples. When we see at the literary sources of the 6th century BCE, they described the first Temple was come to by an axial stair, as a contractoval volume raised on a tall platformToo, it is comparable to a Mycenaean megaron. The different thing from other temples is that the First Temple did not house a statue of the god but as it were the impacts of heavenly nature. So, it was accepted that God stays inside the sacred of holies.


Temple of Solomon (The First Temple)


The Second Temple was built around 535 BCE after the Persians grant permission to Jews to come back to Jerusalem. In spite of the fact that the prophet Jeremiah claimed that God might be honored without making awesome buildings, Lord Herod modified the Second Temple in a totally grand style. Jerusalem includes a cosmological part all through history on religions. Jerusalem continuously had another self as well as his claim self. It was more than a single putPart of being more than one put brings to the thought that always there will be another hypothesis of Jerusalem. It represents of explanation of human destiny.


Ancient Egypt Architecture & Modern Architecture

Temple of Hatshepsut, arch. Senenmut | Deir el Bahri, Egypt


The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el Bahri, located on the slope of the cliff with a graded terrace system designed by architect Senenmut. The ceremonial street, with rows of sphinxes on both sides, is connected to the temple by a valley. The temple was built on 3 floors. The reliefs on the portico walls document the magnitude of the achievements of the 21-year reign of Hatshepsut. The top terrace, surrounded by walls, looks like a courtyard. Outside the courtyard, there are rows of double columns, the tomb of the queen on the right side and a courtyard with a monumental altar in the name of the god Ra on the left side.



Anıtkabir, E.H. Onat, A.O. Arda | Ankara, Turkey


In this structure, as in the temple of Hatshepsut was designed with a terrace system. There is a large courtyard in the middle of the building and there are walls surrounding this courtyard. There are different functional spaces in the inner walls of the courtyard. The wall reliefs next to the stairs leading from the courtyard to the temple symbolize defense, production, and education. There is a ceremonial square in this building and there are statues on both sides of this square.





Tarihteki İlk ve Tek Kadın Firavun: Hatşepsut

Anıtkabir’in Mimarisi Ne Anlatıyor?

Take the STAIRs

   First of all, we were asked to do a ladder analysis. In this analysis, stair dimensions, material types, railing details and the structural elements of the stairs were important. We formed a group of 4 people and decided to examine the stair downstairs in CerModern. As a result of the measurements, the stair plan, the section of the staircase and the partial section of the staircase were required. However, a partial model of a section of the staircase was required to show material differences. At the end of the distribution of tasks between us, I drew the plan of the staircase image in the basement floor plan, unfortunately, I do not have the other drawings.


   What the drawing of the staircase brought me was actually the development of my imagination, because it was very useful for me to imagine how the views of the staircase could be on each floor, and when I took the sections of these stairs, how each one could appear on which floor. I also think that I learned what to pay attention to in stair drawings.

Plan drawing of the stairs from the basement (both AutoCAD and hand-drawn) :


 Partial model by referring partial section of stair:


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Mesopotamia & Modern Architecture


ziggurat-1024x649Ziggurat is a graded structure. “Ziggurat” means the house of the mountain, the mountain of the storm, the connection between heaven and the world. One of the most important features of the Ziggurat is that it shows the level difference in a certain way and this level difference is provided by the difference in the proportions between the floors.



TBMMcamii_Cinici (1).jpg.jpegDesigned by Cinici architects in 1997, this mosque first draws attention with its ziggurat appearance. While most of the mosque is hidden inside the slope of the topography only some of it rises above the topography. This mosque, as in ziggurat, clearly shows the level difference. In Ziggurat alone, each floor has a separate usage area, there is only one floor in this mosque. The reason for using level differences is to change the intensity of the light entering and show the form difference.

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TBMM Camisi

TBMM camii


One of the earliest civilizations Mesopotamia was found between the two rivers: Tigris and Euphrates. They have truly incredible rivers frameworks and they were too found on their territorial centers of agricultural productionMuch appreciated to rivers they were great at agricultureMuch obliged to agriculture they were exchanging a part. Other than that they have some extraordinary stone production. That’s why they utilize stones on their structures. Mesopotamian societies comprised of classes. The consecrated course was more grounded than the others. It implies there was theocratic socialism in Mesopotamia.

One of those temple precincts is Khafaje. Khafaje is an oval temple precinct. Inside, there is a place for storehouses and administrative functions.


The Sumerian city-states periodically lost their independence due to local kings. The status of the new kingdom encourages the development of palace complexity as a new type of urban structure. Ebla’s palace placed the connected rooms orthogonally and gathered around the courtyard.


Ebla’s Palace

The city of Ur risen as the biggest in Bronze- Age Mesopotamia and it was a harbor city in Sumer. Ur’s sanctuaries, canals, royal residencesroads, shops were found with archeological unearthings and they offer a one of a kind vision of the urban textureLord Ur-Nammu created the canals, dividers and open spaces. Moreover, he distributed the primary code of laws. Ur houses were single structures of mud brick and it had an open court that was encompassed with a few rooms. The front entryway which opened to a little vestibule, was the as it were an association to the outside. The ziggurat could be a sanctuary that has one or more stages to make a ventured profile. ‘Ziggurat’ implies ‘house of the mountain, a mountain of the storm, the bond between paradise and soil. The builders utilized thick walls studded with spaced additional buttresses for the modern version of the construct.


Ziggurat of Ur