Ancient Egypt Architecture & Modern Architecture

Temple of Hatshepsut, arch. Senenmut | Deir el Bahri, Egypt


The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el Bahri, located on the slope of the cliff with a graded terrace system designed by architect Senenmut. The ceremonial street, with rows of sphinxes on both sides, is connected to the temple by a valley. The temple was built on 3 floors. The reliefs on the portico walls document the magnitude of the achievements of the 21-year reign of Hatshepsut. The top terrace, surrounded by walls, looks like a courtyard. Outside the courtyard, there are rows of double columns, the tomb of the queen on the right side and a courtyard with a monumental altar in the name of the god Ra on the left side.



Anıtkabir, E.H. Onat, A.O. Arda | Ankara, Turkey


In this structure, as in the temple of Hatshepsut was designed with a terrace system. There is a large courtyard in the middle of the building and there are walls surrounding this courtyard. There are different functional spaces in the inner walls of the courtyard. The wall reliefs next to the stairs leading from the courtyard to the temple symbolize defense, production, and education. There is a ceremonial square in this building and there are statues on both sides of this square.





Tarihteki İlk ve Tek Kadın Firavun: Hatşepsut

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