Ancient Greek architecture is a case of classicism. It means there were many columns and pediments. In those a long timewhereas the other societies created by one means or another similar styleAncient Greek civilization has a variety of societies and they create more unique compositions.

Egypt, Assyria, Akkad and so on. Reminding other civilizations, there were temples for gods and kings who were not allowed to enter civilians in temples and sanctuaries. Instead of graves and palaces, the Greeks designed open public buildings with many columns for citizen meetings.

Another Greek term is agora. Agora literally ‘gathering’ In other cultures, there was some space in front of temples and palaces, but the Greek agora was invalid as a meeting point in the middle of the city.

The Greek Theater consists of four parts which are parodos, theathron, orchestra, and scene. The play was not on the skene they were playing their games on the orchestra and they use the skene as a background. As you can see orchestra was a circular area, the reason for this is that its shape allows people to see the game from everywhere.



The Greek temples had three sorts of columns: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. These were the premise of a language of architecture based on equation-based extents. The territory and western colonies preferred the Doric arrange. It’s yell columns carrying straightforward adjusted capitals. The temple of Artemis at Ephesus was the case of the Ionic order. The columns set the ordinary extent of an Ionic column as one module to nine. Moreovera few figures and themes were carved on the lower part of the column. The Corinthian arrange showed up interior the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae.


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