Modern Architecture & Ancient Roman Architecture

f44dca3a7c9dd65419a11594627d1380An oculus is a circular opening in the center of a dome or in a wall. The oculus was used by the Ancient Romans, one of the finest examples being that in the dome of the Nero’s Golden House. Open to the weather, it allows rain to enter and fall to the floor, where it is carried away through drains. In addition, thanks to this oculus, daylight passes through this opening and illuminates the interior of the building.


Nero’s Golden House



At the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, we can see the effect of the ancient roman oculus. The roof opens to allow natural sunlight to enter the stadium and closes to protect players and viewers in adverse weather conditions. The façade of the stadium was built with a coating called ETFE. ETFE was chosen for its durability, aesthetics, and sustainability on the roof. The surface of the ETFE film is ineffective in nature and makes the building and roof resistant to airborne contaminants, dust, and chemicals.

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