Modern Architecture & Ottoman Architecture


In the Ottoman Empire, the people were very intertwined. Especially the closed markets of the state increased the communication of the people with each other and its architecture set an example to modern architecture. The Ottoman markets were generally established in several long street junctions, and each vendor had its own space. In general, if I will make an architectural interpretation, we can classify each place of vendors as a unit. And when we look at the Ottoman market, we can interpret that different modular system come together.



THE FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN | Candilis, Josic, Woods, and Schiedhelm

d86cc4cb07e8409db25abc6fa546bc38.jpgThe project aimed to replace the campus in an interconnected city with in-depth streets, squares, courtyards and numerous hiking paths in the Arab Medina model. With the development of the program, the articulation of a variety of spatial and constructive elements that have always been created in a different way has provided an incredible diversity of environments within a controlled modular system. This modular system enables spatial diversity while simultaneously bringing together different spaces.


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The Free University of Berlin (Candilis, Josic, Woods and Schiedhelm – 1963)