Analysis of Wet Spaces for Dwelling

Designing wet spaces in living spaces has many purposes. According to the information I got from my analysis, I would like to briefly mention these purposes in the following articles:

  • Wet spaces in living areas should be large enough to easily meet the needs of core or crowded families.


8c9f9e3d2e0e81be0ac753e879f71bbcDifferent wet spaces types


  • Wet spaces in living areas should have a different feature from other spaces in those areas. So privacy should be considered in these areas.


  • In addition, natural or artificial ventilation methods that can provide adequate temperature and humidity suitable for seasonal transitions should be provided, without compromising privacy in these areas.

analiz 1

download   toilet-exhaust-systems-3

  • Wet spaces should be easily accessible to people of all age groups and all kinds of physical characteristics.
  • While building these areas, while choosing the material (eg ceramic, porcelain, glass, stone, stainless steel), care should be taken not to have a solid and slippery surface.

fiberglassshowerFiberglass and Acrylic Tiles

stoneshowerStone Tiles

tileshowerCeramic and Porcelain Tiles

  • Also, waterproofing in wet spaces should be very good to prevent water ingress into other spaces in the living areas and especially to not damage the walls.
  • Storage units in wet spaces are very important for the organization of materials determined in line with the needs of people.

If I summarize all these items, the common feature of these places is that it is important for all users to be able to use the equipment available here (Also, this equipment must be accessible and the equipment must be comfortable for the user) and their needs are met. Below is a scheme of ideas for things to consider when building these areas:



Wholesaler Fish Market / ANKARA

According to the information, I have received from the previous fish markets, the Ankara Wholesale Fish Market is active every day between 2 and 7 in the morning, mainly because the fish shops around Ankara want to buy the fish early. When I visited here this morning, I saw a lot of fish and the fishermen who would buy these fish were very crowded. As I always mentioned in my previous posts, there were dozens of fish boxes. In addition, the number of trucks bringing fish was also quite much.

According to my analysis, fish come to Ankara from the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Marmara Regions. The own fishing boats of the wholesalers here grab fish from those seas and load them onto their own trucks on the shore. Trucks waiting on the shore also had coolers with the ability to keep cold for 12 to 15 hours. When the fish loaded trucks came to the wholesale market here, the wholesalers were putting the fish in their coolers in their shops. And all the fishermen who came to the wholesalers here were trying to buy these fish. Unsold fishes either take back to the coolers of wholesalers or distributed to fishermen’s shops around Ankara, owned by wholesalers.


Here, different sizes and types of boxes in the wholesale market:

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When wholesalers download their fish from trucks with coolers:




Sakarya Fish Market / ANKARA

When I visited the fishermen in Ankara, Sakarya, I noticed that one of those fishermen was also a fish restaurant and decided to analyze it.

While I started my analysis, I first saw that the fish shop had different fish boxes. This attracted my attention because when I analyzed the Ulus Fish Market, I saw that there were uniform fish boxes, but the situation was different here. As you can see in the slide below, different sized fish have different sized boxes. For example, small anchovy is placed in plastic boxes, while medium-sized fish are placed in foam boxes and larger fish are placed in wooden boxes.

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In addition, the way the fish was placed on the counter and the material of the stalls were like the fishermen’s shops in the Ulus fish market. (Those who wonder how it is, can read my blog called Ulus Fish Market.)

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What distinguishes this shop from other fishing shops is that they have their own fish restaurants behind the shop. Just behind the fish shop were people cleaning fish for both customers and the fish restaurant. I had the chance to analyze how the restaurant and the customers who only buy fish clean their fish and especially how they send fish in the restaurant.

When I talked to fish cleaning people, I learned that the fish that come to them have cleaning methods according to their size. For example, I learned that they prefer to clean small fish by hand, while they prefer to clean medium and large fish with a knife.




When I went to the restaurant side, I saw that things went very differently here. In the restaurant, I had the opportunity to see only the kitchen where the fish was cooked, unfortunately, I could not see the other kitchen where the fish was cleaned and prepared to cook again. When I saw the kitchen where the fish was cooking, I noticed that there were two different cooking stoves. One of them was a small-sized frying stove, especially used for cooking anchovies. The other stove was used to cook larger fish.



Later on, I saw that they cooked the small anchovies on the big stove, but I realized that they were cooked in a different way. When I asked this situation to the cook there, he said that the frying stove is generally used for customers who want anchovy between bread, and the anchovy cooked on the other stove is for customers who want service.



Some photos from the fish restaurant:

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Ulus Fish Market / ANKARA

One of the first assignments of the new term was to analyze a fish market located anywhere in the world. But this analysis had to contain more experimental information than architectural terms and structural types, so it was important to solve the function of the fish market. Therefore, I visited the big fish market in Ulus, in order to be easy to experience and to analyze the function of the market more easily.


I visited all the fish stalls in the market and had the chance to enter a shop and get information from the employees there about how things went.

DSC_0008According to the employee I spoke with, all fishermen in this market go to buy fish from wholesalers between 2 and 7 o’clock in the morning. In this shop, after getting their fish at 6 o’clock in the morning, they are put their fish on the stalls at 08:30 in the morning. The fish usually places in the ice on the counter. The reason for this is to keep their freshness alive. In addition, in order to make the skin of the fish look more beautiful and lively, white light bulbs placed on the counter and fish soaked in seawater every half an hour.

What caught my attention while touring the fish market was the position of the fishes on the counter. Small-sized fish were located at the front of the counters, while the larger-sized fish were at the back of the counters. When I asked the reason for this, it was said that small fish were sold more to customers, and big fish could not be sold much. Also, another point that caught my attention was that small fish are cheaper than large fish. Based on my analysis was the counters where the fish were located and the boxes where the fish were brought to the shops were quite remarkable. All counters in the fish market were chrome-plated counters. The reason for this was that the fish could stay fresh, as the chrome material removed the microbe.

According to the information I have obtained, each of the fish boxes has an average of 12 to 14 kilos and each fish has its own boxes. The amount of fish in the box may vary depending on the fish species and their sizes.

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