Project: Unhygienix | Initial Idea

Firstly, a border was determined for the market area to be built and we were asked to build an area of ​​1500 square meters in total.

Considering these limits, I started to design my market area. As I decided my initial idea, I studied the analysis of my classmates and tried to discover some features of the region. Below are the conclusions I made based on the analysis of other groups and the initial idea that my market area should contain:












In line with these analyzes, the criticisms I received from the our instructors were very positive. The only thing missing here was the lack of a scenario when building my space. In another analysis, I wanted to focus on it.

In my second analysis, I tried to decide the shape of my market area and to produce a scenario. In order to better understand this scenario, I worked on the section, but the sections that would show my scenario had to be a little more detailed according to the critics I received. I started working on this now.


Below you can see the analyzes related to my initial idea I have done for the second time in detail:1


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